Create a Workflow template

A template can be created via the Reflex web interface, this allows you to use your rules in a workflow and run checks whenever you desire. These templates are fully customizable using our JSON editor.

Please be aware that templates cannot be changed. To perserve auditability, we don't allow templates to be updated nor deleted.

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A Template consists of the following fields:

nameName of Workflow Template
descriptionDescription of Workflow Template
jobsList of all Workflow jobs, defined by a unique id
inputsInputs needed for a Workflow run
  "name": "Basic €5 Invoice and Amount Checks Workflow",
  "description": "The workflow of basic checks done for a €5 invoice.",
  "jobs": {
    "ips": {
      "name": "Check Destination IP",
      "type": "NODE_IPS",
      "depends_on": ["invoice_amount"]
    "invoice_amount": {
      "name": "Check Invoice Amount",
      "type": "CHECK_INVOICE_AMOUNT",
      "config_id": "68b8e2c2-6720-47a0-9a68-e7b8eeb06315",
      "depends_on": ["ips"]
    "route_hints_ips": {
      "name": "Check Route Hints Ips",
      "type": "ROUTE_HINTS_IPS"
  "inputs": [{ "name": "PAYMENT_REQUEST" }]


Explore job types

A Job consists of the following fields:

nameName of job ✅
typeJob type ✅
config_idCustom rule id
depends_onJob dependencies by key
  "name": "Check Invoice Amount",
  "config_id": "68b8e2c2-6720-47a0-9a68-e7b8eeb06315", // references to rule
  "depends_on": ["ips"] // references to another job id